Report on Biodiversity of Goa

REPORT OF ONE DAY WORKSHOP ON BIODIVERSITY  OF GOA ORGANISED JOINTLY BY PEACEFUL SOCIETY – Goa, ECONET-PUNE and INSTITUTE OF SAFETY, OCCUPATION HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENT, GOVT. OF GOA. NOV. 1, 1996.     ISOHE COMPLEX  ALTINHO, PANAJI – GOA. Objectives of the workshop:- The local organizers had aimed at exposing influential participants to several areas of biodiversity…

Report on Pernem Taluka Salt Producers

PERNEM – TALUKA SALT – PRODUCERS ASSOCIATION (PERNEM TALUKA MITH UTPADAK SANGHA) Memorandum For Assistance to Salt – producers of Agarwado – Pernem The father of nation, Mahatma Gandhi undertook the famous DANDI MARCH to offer Salt-Satyagraha, in 1930. During this period Goa under the Portuguese occupation was exporting Salt to rest of India and…