PS : Objectives and Strategy for Next 20 Years.
Recommendation of National Consultation Held on 22.10.03
Branch | Objective | Strategy | Program | Resources |
Development | To Establish models of alternative development towards self-reliance of the villages.To mapping out local resources for the self-sustaining development of the villages,To develop 2nd line leadership for village development,To form a team of expert for alternative development,To promote people’s oriented Panchayati Raj based on Ganhiji’ ideology | Involve youth so that right thinking about development could be inculcated, | To Train youth, women and workers,Advocacy and people’s mobilisation against anti people development,Establishment Information Centre,Sharing of experience of various experiments, | Team of resources persons and experts at state and national level,Mobilisation of resources GO / NGO, |
Ecology | Pollution FreeConservation and Preservation of natural resources,Promotion of Eco-Friendly Development Model OR Experiments, | Promotion and Strengthing of People`s Organisations,Research and Training on Alternative Eco- Friendly and Affordable sources of energy,Networking and Solidarity amongst like minded Organisations / Groups, | Data collection – Integral relationship between the cause of various pollutions,Mass awareness through Workshops, Rallies, Meetings, Sports, debates and other cultural activities, Study programmes,Exposure visits,Promotion and Strengthening of Eco- Clubs, Promotion and Strengthening of Organic Farming,Reforestation – Keeping in mind Bio- Diversity,Media – Advocacy, Promotion of Naturopathy, Alternative Health Practices with special reference to Medicinal Herbs,Documentation and Publication,Awareness about personal and social hygine,Awareness about ill effects of cosmetics and electrical gazettes, | Research officer,Documentation Centre,Seed Bank,Haunararium for full-time & part- time workers,Availabilty of Green Houses,Human Logistic & Financial Resources, |
People`s Organisations ( PO ) | 1. People`s Organisations should developed for a society free from – exploitation, economic freedom, 2. Social Objectives _ social equality, communal harmony, educational equality, | Unorganised labour should be organised,Right to work must be attained,Youth and Women should be in constructive work,Youth and Children should be guided properly,Social Equality – Abolish caste system from all religions,Resist cruel criminal economy,Bring back the traditional culture, | Implementation of Minimum Wages,Right to Work,Educate / organise / agitate the different groups of people,Formation of Youth Cubs,Women empowerment programme,Employment Guarantee Programme,Intervention in Media – ( acting as a agent of MNCs & WTO ),Promoting / lobbing /advocacy to support local / small struggles, ( eg. Plachimada Struggle ),Action – 1. Boycotts MNCs Products, 2. Promote local / indigenous products | Organisation/ workers / Volunteers – arrangement for money & Human power,Money can be raised from the People`s Movement, |
Institutional Opportunities & Limitations, | Existing network in 7- states so built up, |