A Forum For Gandhian Societal Perspective and Action




Capacitation for SWARAJ meant - Orienting, Motivating, Directing and equipping all relevant actors associated with ‘SWARAJ” to become aware of the values, worldview and programmatic perspective of SWARAJ and to be able to translate the same into the respective realities in our Society with the requisition to knowledge and skills.

Capacitation was divided into two parts– Organisational Capacitation and Programme Capacitation. Organisational Capacitation would be on, values, enhancement and strengthening and philosophy of the Forum and concept of People’s Organisations and networking. Programme Capacitation was to be on: - Self-Rule, Rights over Natural Resources, Sustainable Development, meaning and implications of social evils and divisive forces like Casteism and Fundamentalism, 5 New Economic Policy and Globalisation, 6 Economic Literacy, 7 Gender Sensitisation and 8 Cultural Degradation.

First National Capacitation Workshop was held at Jamshedpur from 16th to 20th July 2001. Objectives included, prioritisation of Capacitation processes and utilisation of human potentials to be translated into reality.

Second national CBP workshop was held in Peaceful Society in Goa from 4th to 6th March 2000. Workshop dealt with Capacity Building at various levels, Five-Village Formula and Role of Fellows in achieving SWARAJ VMRSP (O).

1.       There was consensus on Vision of Capacitation building, based on following strategic thrusts:- Work for Self-Rule to re-establish rights of adivasis, dalits, women, marginalised and vulnerable sections of the community on common property resources (natural resources);

2.       Localising and seeking sustainable development through Gram Sabhas;

3.       Social transformation towards gender equality and restoration of cultural heritage and work against fundamentalism and alcoholism;

4.       Work for people’s movement to face challenges of New Economic Policy and dominant forces like WTO, IMF, World Bank and TNCs among others and

5.       Capacitation of Fellows, Facilitators and associates of SWARAJ.

A National Workshop on Capacity Building was held on the theme: Core Values of “SWARAJ” from 8th to 14th May 2002, at Ranchi.  It was felt that there was need to understand the causes and links between the Behaviour (positive and negative) and Attitude, Belief, World View, Macro-Micro Context. It was concluded that these factors were based on the following values: - Education system, Religions, Family, Fundamentalists, Social Groups, Political parties, Neo-liberal Economic policies and Media.

After seven-day deliberations at the workshop, the following CORE VALUES IN SWARAJ -



Love & Compassion

Self-Governance and Self-Reliance

Participation and Faith in People’s Power

Fearlessness & Courage

Solidarity & Unity

Equality & Gender Equality

Secularity and Responsibility

Sacrifice & Patience



All these Values will be reflected in our Personal life”.


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