Get Involved
Peaceful Society
Volunteer + Internship + Full Time Worker
- Volunteer:-
- Must have faith in Gandhian ideology,
- Must be completely non-alcoholic and non-smoker,
- Ready to do any work at any time,
- Be cordial with the team and people in around,
- Must be doing own work like washing cloths and utensils, keeping room clean,
- Must respect local culture, language etc.
- Peaceful Society may take responsibility of simple food and accommodation.
- Internship:-
Besides above for Volunteer must comply with the following,
- Must have consent of head of the institution and Executive Secretary, Peaceful Society,
- Must be clear about subject, task, duration, filed work and overall outcome of the internship before joining for it.
- May have to pay to Peaceful Society for lodging and boarding in advance.
Write to,
with intimation on
+91 86682 25393