Peaceful Society’s concern with the environment was manifest very early in its existence. In 1984 itself, it hosted a meeting of Environmentalist from the South of India to examine the process of environmental degradation and the need for social protection of forests in particular and the environment in general, through mobilizing and involving local communities.

Salt Producers Association

Pernem Taluka Mith Utpadak Sangha (For Assistance to Salt – producers of Pernem) Agarwado – Pernem The father of nation, Mahatma Gandhi undertook the famous DANDI MARCH to offer Salt-Satyagraha, in 1930. During this period Goa under the Portuguese occupation was exporting Salt to rest of India and countries in Africa. After India’s independence Salt-production,…

Save the Western Ghats Movement

The Save the Western Ghats Movement (SWGM) was a landmark event in environmental activism in India. It was one of the first of its kind in the country and became the model for numerous campaigns all over India. In October 1986, PS organised a national consultation on environment, during which it was decided to organize…

Organic Natural Farming

Modern farming promotes the growth of crops in isolation, with the use of hybrid seeds & excessive chemical fertilizers, giving rise to monoculture. This has resulted in soil erosion & decreased soil fertility. The dangers of Conventional fertilizers as human health hazards & their pollution of the environment has encouraged the search & application of…

Biodiversity of Goa

(Organised Jointly By Peaceful Society, Econet-Pune , In Collaboration With Institute Of Safety, Occupation Health And Environment, Govt. Of Goa. Nov. 1, 1996. Isohe Complex Altinho, Panaji – Goa.) Objectives Of The Workshop The local organisers had aimed at exposing influential participants to several areas of biodiversity in local language and to focus priority areas of biodiversity…

Medicinal Plants

Among the aims and objects of Peaceful Society is preservation of bio-diversity, Medicinal Plants are an important species, which help preserve bio-diversity. Besides, they form the foundation of traditional medicine, which is the answer to monopoly of multi-national companies, which is being strengthened in today’s economic policy of globalisation and Marketisation. Botany students of Goa…

Environment and Ecology

Peaceful Society’s concern with the environment was manifest very early in its existence. In 1984 itself, it hosted a meeting of Environmentalist from the South of India to examine the process of environmental degradation and the need for social protection of forests in particular and the environment in general, through mobilizing and involving local communities.…