Among the aims and objects of Peaceful Society is preservation of bio-diversity, Medicinal Plants are an important species, which help preserve bio-diversity. Besides, they form the foundation of traditional medicine, which is the answer to monopoly of multi-national companies, which is being strengthened in today’s economic policy of globalisation and Marketisation.
Botany students of Goa University colleges have found 40 species of medicinal plants in the campus. These include:-
1. Adulsa : Its leaves, roots and flowers are used against bronchitis, leprosy, asthma, rheumatism, jaundice, diarrhoea and dysentery.
2. Korpad : Its leaves are a powerful purgative. It is also to treat enlargement of the liver and spleen, jaundice and rheumatism.
3. Oil Kiryata : Useful against fever, dysentery among others.
4. Nimba : Useful against fevers especially Malaria.
5. Rui : Useful against skin diseases. Also used against elephantiasis and postnatal care.
6. Brahmi : Brain tonic and is also used against TB.
7. Halad : Useful against leucoderma, scabies,urinary discharges, inflammation, snake bites, small pox, jaundice, ringworm and gonorrhoea among others.
8. Bhirand : Useful against dysentery, diarrhoea, among others.
9. Chuvra : Heals wounds, cures throat complaints among others.
10. Kapura Kachari : Useful against asthma, bronchitis, liver complaints, diarrhoea among others.
11. Anantmoola : Used in treatment of leucorroea, syphilis, rheumatism, scorpion sting and snake bites among others.
12. Jaasvanda : Flowers are used for bronchia treatment.
13. Kudaa : Used against diarrhoea, constipation, anaemia and jaundice among others.
14. Pendgul : Used against bronchitis, ulcers, and dysentery among others
15. Mendi : Used against jaundice, enlargement of the spleen, typhoid among others.
16. Karkani : Used against diarrhoea, dysentery and vertigo among others.
17. Thumbo : Used for skin eruptions, chronic rheumatism, gonorrhoea among others.
18. Sonchampha : Used against chronic rheumatism among others.
19. Lajalu :Used against urinary complaints, sinus, piles and scorpion sting amongst others.
20. Bakul : Used against snakebites, chronic dysentery among others
21. Karle : Used haemorrhoids, piles, jaundice, contraception and high blood sugar among others
22. Shevgachya Shenga :Used against paralytic conditions, rheumatism, and diseases of the river and spleen among others.
23. Kuchili : Used against cholera, dropsy and elephantiasis among others.
24. Kadu Limba : Used against skin eruptions, dysentery among others
25. Bananas : Used against epilepsy, hysteria dysentery and diarrhoea
26. Kanner : Cardiac tonic. Used against dysentery, asthma and bronchitis among others.
27. Kuhsursali : It is an expectorant. Used in treatment of cancer, ulcers, dysentery and bites of wild animals
28. Tulasa : It is an expectorant. Used against Malarial fever, dropsy etc.
29. Bhuivali : It is anti-septic . Used against colic, diarrhoea and dysentery among others.
30. Kali Miri : Used against sore throat and scorpion sting among others
31. Khair Champha : Used against gonorrhea and diarrhoea among others
32. Sarpagandha : Used against chronic mental illness, high blood pressure among others.
33. Erandel : It is a purgative
34. Karo : Used to improve blood pressure
35. Jambhul : Used to control diabetes. Used against asthma, bronchitis among others,
36. Chinch : It is a laxative
37. Gulvel : It is a tonic. It used against diarrhoea and dysentery
38. Sadaphuli : It is used to control diabetes. It may be useful in leukaemia
39. Nigund : Promotes growth of hair, useful diseases of the eye, asthma, luccoderma
40. Bora : It is a tonic and a laxative among other things