The following were the educative talk were held on women & child health at Peaceful Society
Measles: Exact presentation of measles, misunderstanding, prevailing, about diet during measles, other rashes confusing with measles, complications of measles, care of the patient with measles, vaccination importance.
Mumps: Presentation of mumps, misconcepts and confusions, other swellings confusing with mumps, care of oral hygiene, importance of nutrition, complications of mumps, vaccination.
Chicken Pox: Presentation, description of eruptions, importance of period and infectivity of the disease, diet-hygiene, prevention of secondary infections, other boils confusing with chicken pox, vaccination.
Jaundice: Mod of transmission, presentation and symptoms, exact dietary restrictions period and importance of resumption of normal diet. Other factors like rest, other hygienic care, prevention of spread to other members of family and around.
Diarrhoea & Dysentery: Importance of electrolyte and fluid replacement orally to prevent dehydration in any type of loose motions, need for prompt management, cause factor, treatment and prevention specially by avoiding exposed foods, hotel foods etc.
Fevers: Management of a child with fever, special care for children with febrile convulsions care during a convulsion, prevention of convulsion prompt medical care, cause of fever and medical management accordingly.
Worm Infestations: Health hazards caused by worms, prevention of worm infestations by hygiene, prevention of open defecations, treatment regularly, exact dosage, schedule and fears of deworming and importance of adequate treatment, complications of half hearted treatment.
Malaria: Types of malaria, different presentations, different mosquitoes causing malaria, methods of prevention of mosquito breeding, prevention of mosquito bites, importance of prompt and adequate treatment, proper health check up, prevention of malaria in other members of family and around by prophylaxes.
Typhoid: Presentation, spread, management, importance of prompt and adequate treatment, blood investigations, diet, prevention of typhoid by hygiene and vaccination.
Tuberculosis: Exact cause, ways of spread, presentations, different systems involved, common complaints, treatment, details with importance of adequate treatment, regularity and continuation for prescribed time period, fellow up, prevention by hygienic care, vaccination, prophylactic treatment, social stigma misconcepts.
Scabies: Cause, presentation, treatment methods like soaps to prevent scabies, importance of public place washing of clothes, care during medicine application, importance of treatment for prescribed time.
Family Planning: Importance, methods, advantages, guidance towards spacing, number of children.
First Aid: Guidance towards certain day to day emergencies, first aid boxes, kits for dressing of wounds, hygiene care kit.
Blood Group: Types of blood groups, importance of knowledge of one’s blood group, incompatibilities, blood donation, phobias of blood donation, blood transfusions, factors responsible, avoidance of same, prevention of attacks, prevention of complications.
Gastrointestinal problems: Gastritis, enteritis, vomiting, malabsorption, intolerance, allergies, symptoms, management, prevention, special cases like appendicitis, intussusceptions, ovules, perforation due to worms, intestinal obstructions due to worms, how the care to be taken.
Aids & other sexually transmitted diseases: Explanation about the disease, mode of spread, presentation, management, prevention, awareness, social effect, effect on children, importance of each individual effort to wipe out the disease.
Poliomyelitis: Presentation, spread, prevention, with vaccination, pulse polio vaccination importance, management of poliomyelitis patients, rehabilitation.
Rabies: Presentation, management, vaccination, details for doses, care of bite area, importance of tetanus, vaccine, passive immunisation, dog observation, prevention.
Tetanus: Presentation in adult and new born, vaccination in pregnancy, children and men, importance of booster doses.
Fungal infections: Presentations, different types of fungal infections, management, hygiene, importance of dryness, prevention of moisture, clothes care, other preventive measures, importance of adequate treatment for prescribed time period
Whooping Cough: Presentation, management, diet, other case, prevention, vaccination, complications of whooping cough
Diphtheria: Presentation, care, complications, prevention, vaccination
Anaemia: Presentation, causes, treatment, diet, period of treatment.
Conjunctivitis: Presentation, management, cleanliness’ of eyes and other hygiene, prevention of spread.
Congenital defects: Birth defects, common types, special case about feeding etc., management, medical care.
Respiratory infections: Causes, upper and lower respiratory infections, presentations, bronchial asthma, management.
Breast feeding:- Education about breast feeding, techniques, posture, frequency of feed, position of the baby, care of nipple and breast, position of baby after feed, importance of burping before and after feeds, importance and advantages of breast feeds, time period for continuation of breast feeds.
Adolescence: Special care during adolescence, emotional, moral and other support, nutrition and other care, awareness of importance of body changes, menstrual cycles in girls, special care during periods, hygiene, fluid intake, adequate nutrition, exercise, rest, spiritual development.
Pyoderma: Presentation, management, importance of hygiene, adequate local and systemic treatment, prevention’s of abscess formation and of glomerulonephritis.
Glomerulonephritis: Presentation, prevention, care and management, importance of medical care, importance of intake, output chart, urine examination, fluid and dietary restrictions, hypertension associated with complications in case of delayed treatment.
Epilepsy: Exact presentations, different forms of presentation, causes, treatment, care during epileptic fit, avoidance of situations, dangerous for such patients, importance of treatment till prescribed period of time, investigations and management.
Female Foeticide: Equivalence to crime, importance of girl child, defects in techniques like ultrasonography, health hazards after procedures of termination of pregnancies, possibility of permanent sterility after abortions, women’s role in counteracting such social crimes, confidence and awareness by women to take decision under pressure.
Menopause: Symptoms, dietary changes, exercise, preoccupation, special attention to certain complaints for early detection, calcium supplements, hormone replacement therapy.
Care of women after age 40 : Menopausal changes, cervical cancer, importance of Pap’s smear, management, Breast cancer, self examination, investigations available, management, treatment available, phobias, importance of self confidence and pleasant approach.