Peaceful Society organised follow-up planning meeting in every wada after survey of Bandora village Panchayat area. The findings were shared with the people present in programme planning meeting. One consultation of founder members of PS and well wishers was organised to decide plan of action. The meeting resolved to undertake economic generating activities among women in Dhonshi wada of Banodra. Dhonshi was situated in watershed area having 42 families of one community and surviving mainly on managing horticulture of landlords and doing labour work outside. Mr. Laxmikant Gosain, a professional social worker from Orissa and well wisher of Peaceful Society met the people of Dhonshi and team of Peaceful Society and designed a proposal for financial help. This was a small project for two years intended to provide additional income to 20 women. The project proposal was submitted to Shri Radhakrishna. He managed to get the support from Save the Children Funds of British Columbia, This was first project of Peaceful Society supported by an INGO. The project objective was to provide additional income to 20 women from poorest economic background and lower social strata. A training come production centre was established in a small rented place in Dhonshi. The women were trained to make areca-nut leaf plates, broom and eatable item based on locally available raw materials. The areca nut leaves were plenty available in Dhonsi which were mostly burnt as firewood. Large number of jackfruits were of no use. Centre made further efforts to provide skill training in stitching, broom making, embroidery and making of eatable items by using jackfruits. The initial response from local women subsided after few months and PS faced problem in running the programme in absence of adequate number of women. This was primarily due to local politics. After 18 months, the centre in Dhonsi was shifted to nearby village where it picked up very well. The enthusiastic participation of women from other OBC communities provided meaning to WEP programme. This was continued till 1993. Later activity of health care of women and children was added to ensure better and healthy living.